The  LOVEGROVE  family

Richard, Clare and Izzie

Holidays taken by the LOVEGROVE Family

This is the page that shows the holidays we have taken over the years.
The first section are those taken this year.

Cornwall - August 2015

Our last holiday was a short break to Cornwall.
Izzie had booked a breakaway with her friend to stay in Cornwall but failed to make arrangements to get there.
So we took them there and left them to their own devices while we did our own thing.

Click on the image left for a slide show

Majorca - July 2015

Our main summer holiday this year was to Majorca.

Click on the image left for a slide show

Paris - May 2015

Spring half-term so took a weekend break to Paris.
Good food, good accoomodation, colourful sights.
Altogether a great weekend.

Click on the image left for a slide show
